The Bazura Project 3.11 – Opening
Mischief. Mayhem. Bazura.
The Bazura Project 3.11 – Feature Story
In our final Guide To Cinephelia, we utilise the experience we’ve picked up over three seasons of A-list hobnobbing and tell you everything you need to know about interviewing a celebrity.
The Bazura Project 3.11 – Shannon’s Favourite Films of All Time
Necks are placed on the line as Shannon reveals his ten favourite films of all time.
The Bazura Project 3.11 – Lee’s Favourite Films of All Time
Lee follows up with his all-time top ten. Shannon tries to guess them all in advance.
The Bazura Project 3.11 – Outro
It’s all over! What will come next? A sell-out to a major network that won’t get the jokes? A Bazura motion picture? Or will Zach and Mari make a porno? None can say, and so we bid farewell for what may be the last time.