The Bazura Project 2.02 – Interview
Trainspotting director Danny Boyle talks to us about the films he made, the films he almost made, and the film he might make.
The Bazura Project 2.02 – Reviews
Is Bridge To Terabithia just another Harry Potter/Narnia knockoff? Or is it just another Day of the Dead/I Spit On Your Grave knockoff? Or is it none of those things? Lee and Shannon discuss it, and introduce a new weekly sub-segment.
The Bazura Project 2.02 – Outro
Ha det!
The Bazura Project 2.03 – Opening
Go-Go For a Wild Ride With the ACTION HOSTS!The Bazura Project 2.03 – News
Michael Moore creates more controversy, Greg Kinnear invents the windscreen wiper, an Australian film with a lot of promise gets a brilliant mentor, Rachel Weisz finally escapes the Mummy, and an obituary for a great interviewer.
The Bazura Project 2.03 – Feature Story
When it comes to getting fan mail and viewer questions, we’re literally inundated with nothing, but only figuratively. Nevertheless, Shannon attempts to answer questions that viewers might ask had they written in.
The Bazura Project 2.03 – Interview
Geoffrey Wright directed the controversial Romper Stomper and the just-as-controversial Macbeth. In the first of a two-part interview, Shannon and Lee talk to him about getting fired from Supernova, and the Silver Surfer movie he almost made.
The Bazura Project 2.03 – Reviews
Mere moments after hearing about a Silver Surfer iteration that never was, Shannon and Lee see his first big-screen iteration in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. Then Shannon’s meta Show and Found features a movie about movies.
The Bazura Project 2.03 – Outro
Hamba kahle!
The Bazura Project 2.04 – Opening
One show’s struggle to take it easy.
The Bazura Project 2.04 – News
Sicko is released on the net, James Bond gets a director, aliens invade the wild west, and Nick Fury meets Iron Man.
The Bazura Project 2.04 – Feature Story
In the first of a new series on film movements, Lee looks at German Expressionism, and restricts himself to only three war jokes.
The Bazura Project 2.04 – Interview
In the second part of our Geoffrey Wright interview, Wright discusses why critics hated his take on Macbeth, and explains exactly what he thinks of David Stratton and Jim Schembri.
The Bazura Project 2.04 – Reviews
Is Nancy Drew a mystery worth solving? Is Michael Bay’s Transformers something you should twist yourself into knots to see? What is the strange Korean film Lee is surprising Shannon with? What’s with Shannon’s pauses?
The Bazura Project 2.04 – Outro
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